Fake News & COVID-19

April 6, 2020

Zoom Webinar: Coronavirus: The Infodemic?, April 1, 2020

The French-American Foundation hosted its second Zoom webinar on Fake News surrounding COVID-19. The event featured guest speaker Chine Labbe, Senior Editor at NewsGuard Technologies and member of the FAF Transatlantic Forum, and moderator Emmanuel Saint-Martin, Founder & CEO of French Morning and Correspondent at France24.

Chine began with an overview of NewsGuard, which tracks the credibility of websites across the web, with a particular focus on its efforts to follow health information during the coronavirus pandemic. She introduced the company’s tracking tool, a system that has vetted over 4,000 websites for credibility and is available for free download until July 1.

Among the topics addressed included questions from Emmanuel and audience members on types of fake news appearing online, how it has spread within the US and globally, its impact on responses to the crisis, the role that social media can play in disseminating information, and more. To learn more about NewsGuard’s browser extension, click here.

The French-American Foundation developed this webinar initiative to continue our mission of encouraging transatlantic dialogue while prioritizing the health and safety of our community during the COVID-19 pandemic. Our webinars take place throughout the month.

More to read on the topic:

Watch the Webinar