The Climate Crisis in a New Decade

October 28, 2019

The Climate Decade 2020 – and the urgency to accelerate climate solutions, October 9, 2019

One month after 2019 Climate Week, the French-American Foundation welcomed Amy Davidsen from the Climate Group to discuss the climate crisis and the urgency for global awareness as we enter the new decade.

As Executive Director, North America, Amy works with business leaders and political actors to reduce carbon emissions and minimize the impact of global warming.

Approaching the discussion from an optimistic point of view, she focused on the solutions at hand and discussed ways to implement them more efficiently. At the crossroad of the private and public sectors, she witnesses how success is achieved when all stakeholders work together, when competitors cooperate, and when cities and states become involved. She talked about the need to reform finance and production, and how generation, education, and qualifications plays a role in the issue.

Transatlantic Forum members examined the issue from their respect sectors to engage in a candid discussion about challenges to accelerating climate solutions given current economic and political circumstances.

Learn more about the Transatlantic Forum