June 4 Gala
February 22, 2019
New York City
The French-American Foundation is delighted to announce that its 2019 Gala will take place on June 4 at the Rainbow Room in New York City. This year’s honorees are Ms. Gina Adams, Corporate Vice President of Government Affairs at FedEx Corporation, Ambassador François Delattre, Ambassador of France to the United Nations, and Mr. John Paulson, President of Paulson & Co.
We had the pleasure of hosting last year’s Gala at the Rainbow Room, as well. Click here to see photos from the event.
The Gala is one of the most important dates on our annual calendar. The event offers a festive occasion to celebrate the French-American relationship and our own efforts over the year with our community of friends and benefactors. It is also the Foundation’s opportunity to honor those who have dedicated their time and energy to the lasting partnership between France and the United States.
Contact Information:
Fore more information about the annual Gala, please contact Emeline Foster at efoster@frenchamerican.org.