December 11, 2018
Leadership: Evolution & Impact
Invite Only
Young Leaders Post-Session Conference
For the first time, the French-American Foundation’s Young Leaders program benefited from a follow-up gathering of American Young Leaders on December 11, two months after Young Leaders from the classes of 2017 and 2018 assembled for its fall seminar. Generously funded by the American Express Foundation, the follow-up session was an opportunity for American Young Leaders to renew their commitment to their professional growth, reinforce new relationships, and discuss contemporary concepts of leadership as it pertains to their fields. It was also a time for post-seminar feedback and suggestions for next year’s Young Leaders seminar.
Young Leaders from the classes of 2017 and 2018 were an extraordinary group. We have seen, and expect to continue to see, that the impact of the Young Leaders program is powerful and widespread. Not only do Young Leaders themselves acquire an extraordinary network of peers and engage with complex themes during the seminar, but they also go on to effect positive change in their companies, institutions, and professions at large.
The selection process for the 2019 Young Leaders program will open in January and will close in March 2019, and candidates will be informed of their results that summer. Young Leaders can look forward to an October 2019 seminar in Chicago as well as a 2020 seminar in France. We look forward to welcoming the next class soon!