November 17, 2021
toNovember 17, 2021
toNovember 17, 2021
Regrouping after Cop26: what happened, and what’s next?
Invite Only
Last week, the French-American Foundation hosted its second in-person transatlantic forum since March 2020. Our guest speaker was Jeff Tollefson, Senior US Correspondent for the eminent magazine Nature. His talk focused on “Regrouping after Cop26: what happened, and what’s next?”. The discussion was moderated by Chloe Demrovsky, President and CEO of Disaster Recovery Institute International, 2019 Young Leader, and Transatlantic Forum member.
Jeff Tollefson framed the COP26 meeting in Glasgow as the first major benchmark of the 2015 Paris agreement, a landmark pact that, for the first time, required all countries to act in unison. He explained how representatives from nearly 200 countries agreed on the final text of the deal, which promises action to curb emissions, more updates on progress, and extra funding for low- and middle-income countries. At the end of Jeff’s remarks, Chloe kicked off the Q&A with several questions before opening the floor to questions from the group.