May 08, 2019
Undoing Citizenship: Statelessness, Denaturalization, and the US
New York City - Invite Only
Transatlantic Forum
The French-American Foundation hosted its May Transatlantic Forum on the subject of citizenship in the US and how it is impacted by the current political climate. The event featured special guest Betsy Apple, Advocacy Director and Head of the Rule of Law Division for the Open Society Justice Initiative, and Adjunct Professor at Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs.
Betsy Apple: Betsy Apple is advocacy director and head of the Rule of Law Cluster for the Open Society Justice Initiative based in New York. She brings litigation and advocacy experience on a broad range of human rights and international justice issues. Prior to joining the Open Society Foundations, Apple was the legal director/general counsel for a small advocacy organization, AIDS-Free World, where she led the legal team filing a challenge to the Jamaican anti-sodomy law at the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights. She has also served as the director of the Crimes Against Humanity program at Human Rights First, deputy director of the Women’s Environment and Development Organization (WEDO), and the managing/legal director of EarthRights International, in Thailand and the United States.
More on the topic
- In America, Naturalized Citizens No Longer Gave an Assumption of Permanence, The New Yorker
- Trump is wrong to want to end birthright citizenship – conservatives should preserve it, Fox News
- Number of U.S.-born babies with unauthorized immigrant parents has fallen since 2007, Pew Research Center
- No Child Should Be Stateless, European Network on Statelessness
- Statelessness in France, The UN Refugee Agency
- Country Briefing: France, Statelessness Index
- Mamoudou Gassama: Balcony rescue highlights French immigration row, BBC
- What’s Wrong With Stripping Terrorists of Citizenship?, The Atlantic
- A law to strip dual-citizen terrorists of French nationality moves a step forward, The Economist