Additional Support Opportunities

There are many ways you can support the French-American Foundation.

Gifts can include donations for operations to trust instruments to testamentary gifts, and each can provide important support for the Foundation’s work.  Some of the more common planned giving methods are:

Annual General Support:  Gifts may be made by check or credit card to support the general operations of the Foundation, or may be restricted in support of a specific program.  You may also make a contribution online at

Gifts of Stock:  You may donate your appreciated stock directly to the French-American Foundation.  Please contact the staff for instructions.

Charitable Remainder Trusts:  These gift instruments allow you and/or your loved ones to benefit from monies placed in trust during your/their lifetime.  Upon the death of the named beneficiary, the remaining balance in the trust is transferred to the French-American Foundation.

Perpetual Income Trusts:  These gift instruments allow the income from monies you place in trust to benefit the French-American Foundation in perpetuity.  The principal of your gift remains intact for the life of the trust, and the income it generates is transferred periodically to the French-American Foundation.

Life Insurance:  You can name the French-American Foundation as the beneficiary of your life insurance policy, or you may transfer ownership of the policy directly to the French-American Foundation.

Charitable Gift Annuity:  You can give a one-time gift to the French-American Foundation in exchange for fixed, recurring payments over the balance of your life.  Upon your death, the balance of your original gift is maintained by the French-American Foundation for its general use.

Testamentary Gifts:  You may make provision in your will to provide a specific bequest to the French-American Foundation, or to provide for some or all of your remaining estate to be given to the French-American Foundation upon your death.

Each of these gift methods has specific tax implications.
Please contact your attorney or financial advisor for further information.