Annual Report 2012
June 4, 2012
The French-American Foundation plays an important role in a world where all societies confront significant economic, social, and political challenges. Our mission is to strengthen relations between France and the United States, particularly in the context of the transatlantic partnership.
To do this, we also engage with leaders and experts in Europe, and around the world, to address collective challenges. The French-American Foundation’s current programs—on such critical subjects as migration, media, equal opportunity, sustainable urban development, infrastructure rebuilding, and cyber security—respond to this pressing need for international dialogue.
They also provide a forum for sharing best practices, and for creating ongoing, cooperative, working relationships that lead to innovative solutions.
In 2011, our Young Leaders Program celebrated its 30th anniversary in a most successful series of events organized by our sister foundation in Paris. This flagship annual program brings together exceptional French and American individuals from diverse backgrounds and fields, and promotes long-lasting relationships that allow both countries to contribute to the common (global) good. This program also provides the Foundation with experts to help launch important new initiatives.
For example, in 2012, the Foundation implemented a program for economically disadvantaged, exceptional high school students from both sides of the Atlantic to meet one another, and learn to better understand those who will be their future partners. We also launched our immigration journalism fellowship and awards program to support independent and responsible reporting on immigration and integration issues.
We count on your support in order to produce work of this caliber, and thank you for your continuing
With renewed thanks and best wishes,