June 05, 2013

26th Annual Translation Prize Awards Ceremony

The Century Association 7 West 43rd Street New York, NY 10036 - RSVP

2013 Translation PrizeThe French-American Foundation held its 26th Annual Translation Prize Awards Ceremony on Wednesday, June 5, at the Century Association, in New York. The event featured an address by Gregary J. Racz, President of the American Literary Translator Association (ALTA), as well as a panel discussion on “Literature Without Borders: Why Translation Matters?”. You can learn more about our featured panelists below.

The French-American Foundation announced the Fiction and Non-Fiction Translation Awards for the best translation from French into English published in 2012. The winning translators were presented with their $10,000 cash prizes, generously funded by the Florence Gould Foundation.


Read more about our winners


About the panelists

Edwin Frank

Edwin FrankEdwin Frank is the Editorial Director of the New York Review Books Classics series, which he founded in 1999. The NYRB Classics series, which is published by The New York Review of Books, is designedly and determinedly exploratory and eclectic, a mix of fiction and non-fiction from different eras and times and of various sorts. Frank graduated from Harvard College, received a Stegner Fellowship from Stanford, and studied art history at Columbia University. The author of two books of poetry, The Further Adventures of Pinocchio and Stack, he is currently working on a history of the novel in the twentieth century.

Laurence Marie

Laurence MarieLaurence Marie was appointed head of the Book department at the French Embassy in September 2012. She holds a PhD in Comparative Literature (Paris-Sorbonne) and has taught Literature for 10 years in French universities. Her book The Art of Acting, from Classicism to Romanticism will be published at La Sorbonne University Press in February 2014. She has also co-written a chapter of the encyclopedia A History of Translations in French (volume II: 17th-18th Century), to be published by Verdier in 2014.

Gregary Racz

Gregary J. RaczGregary J. Racz is associate professor of Foreign Languages and Literature at Long Island University— Brooklyn, review editor for Translation Review, and president of the American Literary Translators Association (ALTA). In addition to his critical writings on literary translation, Racz has published many translations from Spanish, mostly of poetic works and verse drama. Racz has won the Luz Bilingual Publishing Poetry Translation Contest (1998), International Quarterly’s Crossing Boundaries Award (2000), and the American Translators Association’s Alicia Gordon Award for Word Artistry in Translation (2010), and was the co-winner of the Willis Barnstone Translation Prize last year.

Read an interview with Gregary Racz

Watch the videos of the event below: