Pierre-Olivier Chotard

Born in 1984, Pierre-Olivier Chotard, a senior civil officer, currently serves as General Secretary of the Interministerial Committee for Industrial Restructuring (CIRI), deputy assistant director in charge of corporate financing at the French Treasury.

A graduate of ENA (“Marie Curie” class), HEC Paris (2010) and Université de Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne (Master 2 in public law, 2010), Pierre-Olivier dedicated his professional career to serving the French State, developing strong economic and financial skills in the public sector, at national, European and international levels.

He began his career with the French Ministry of Finance, first at the French Treasury in the European Affairs Sub-Directorate (2013-2015), before joining the Agence des participations de l’Etat (APE – French government shareholding agency) as a portfolio manager, in charge of Alstom, public media companies (France Télévisions, Radio France, Arte, France Médias Monde) and government investments in the real estate sector (2015-2017).

After an experience in Washington D.C. at the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank Group as Alternate Executive Director for France (2017-2020), Pierre-Olivier was appointed Head of Unit at French Treasury in 2020, in charge of the regulation of banking products and services, means of payment, cryptoassets and the digital euro project.

He is married with three children.