Marguerite Cazeneuve

Marguerite Cazeneuve is Deputy Director of the French national health insurance system. This major institution employs 85,000 staff and manages €250 billion in public expenditures (i.e. 80% of the healthcare sector, which represents 12% of GDP in France). In this capacity, Marguerite oversees all the institution’s public policies: risk management, health protection, public health, access to care and innovation. She is particularly committed to driving the triple shift in the healthcare system: preventive, ecological and digital.

She previously spent five years in ministerial cabinets, first as advisor on social finance issues to the Minister of Finance, then on the whole field of social protection, solidarity and health to the President of the Republic and the Prime Minister. In this capacity, she managed the COVID-19 crisis on behalf of the government.

Marguerite Cazeneuve regularly appears in the media (press, radio, TV), at conferences and major events on her areas of expertise: the healthcare system and social protection. She was selected by the newspaper Le Parisien as one of “10 french women on the front line” (2022) and is in the Choiseul 100 ranking (2024).

Marguerite began her career with McKinsey & Company. She left the private sector for the public sector at the end of a project for the French Ministry of Health, during which she was spotted.

Marguerite is a graduate of HEC Paris, where she was President of the Students’ Bureau.