Johanna Brousse

Johanna Brousse is a 1st grade magistrate. After graduating from the National School for the Judiciary (class of 2010), she worked as a deputy prosecutor for the Attorney General of the Paris Court of Appeal, then as a deputy prosecutor at the Paris Judicial Court. She joined the cybercrime unit in September 2017 and took over leadership in September 2020. The cybercrime unit section has national jurisdiction in the fight against cybercrime, and is part of the National Jurisdiction against organized crime (JUNALCO), attached to the Paris prosecutor’s office.

Johanna Brousse is also regularly involved in training activities, notably with the National School for the Judiciary (ENM – Co-director of cybercrime training sessions), the IHEDN, the Paris Bar School (EFB), the Universities of Paris (Paris I and Paris II) and Sciences Po Paris. She has also worked as an international expert in the fight against cybercrime (Council of Europe, ENM DI, Expertise France).

Johanna Brousse was awarded knighthood in the National Order of Merit in 2024.