Franck Verdonk

Franck Verdonk, 39 years old, is an Associate Professor of Medicine at Sorbonne Université and an MD specializing in anesthesiology, intensive care, and perioperative medicine. He is the Chair of the Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care at the Saint Antoine and Tenon Hospitals of Paris (APHP). His academic career is distinguished by a passionate commitment to translational research, notably at the Institut Pasteur, where he completed a PhD in neuroscience awarded by the Board of Chancellors (Chancellerie des Universités), and at Stanford University, where he conducted postdoctoral research in immunology and computational biology.

In addition to his clinical, managerial, and academic roles, Franck Verdonk is the Chief Medical Officer and co-founder of SurgeCare, a Franco-American tech-bio spin-off from Stanford University. SurgeCare is dedicated to improving the quality of care through the development of personalized and predictive diagnostics based on innovative immune analysis technologies using artificial intelligence.

Franck Verdonk is also involved in several scientific societies and boards, has published over 60 scientific articles in international journals, and is regularly invited to national and international conferences. His involvement in professional associations and teaching, as Director of the Department of Education in Anesthesiology, Intensive Care, and Emergency Medicine at Sorbonne Université, has also been significant in his professional development.

Distinguished by several research grants and as a co-inventor of patents, Franck Verdonk continues to innovate in improving perioperative care. He is convinced that the synergy between the excellence of French education and the US innovative dynamism is crucial for transforming medical practices and patient care.