Arielle Schwab

Arielle Schwab is 40 and is a mother of 4. She graduated from HEC Paris Business School in 2007.

She started working in strategic and organization consulting for Eurogroup Consulting, where she mainly supported the States transformation in the Public Department.

She joined Havas Paris as a Director in 2014, managing strategical advisory and communication and supporting the corporate reputation of companies, institutions and CEOs.

For 4 years, she has been leading the Influence Department, a community of a hundred consultants who are experts in press relations, public affairs and crisis management.

Arielle has been committed to cross-cultural dialogue and fighting against racism and antisemitism for more than 20 years.

She is a member of the Supervisory Board of the NGOs Libraries Without Borders, Langage de Femmes (which promotes intercultural dialogue between women from all social environments), and Yahad in Unum (which aims to preserve the memory of the Shoah and collect the testimony of the Yazidis).

She sits on the Representative Council of Jewish Institutions in France (Crif), and has been campaigning for two years on projects in favor of Ukraine and of Armenians attacked in Upper-Karabah.

She used to be the Chairman of the French Union of Jewish Students (UEJF).

Arielle taught oratory art at the Ecole de Guerre for several years, as well as communication of influence at Sciences Po Paris.

She co-constructed an Observatory of the rise of identity issues in companies in Havas.